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Model Springs

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Também chamadas de minas d'água, ou olhos d'água, as nascentes são afloramentos de água do lençol freático, no solo ou na rocha, que formam os córregos e rios responsáveis pelas bacias hidrográficas.

O Córrego da Prata possui em seu curso nascentes em áreas de proteção ambiental. As nascentes modelos são propostas da diretiva "Gestão das Águas" do Programa Município Verde Azul e serve como ponto de referência para visitação pública monitorada e promoção da educação ambiental. Abertas à visitação popular, consistem em uma área de contemplação e interação com a natureza, tendo em vista a importância e preservação das nascentes e matas ciliares.

Uma das nascentes está localizada na mata ciliar do Córrego da Prata, no cruzamento da Rua Januário Diomedes com Av. José Veloso, no Jardim Europa e, a outra,  na cabeceira do Lago da Prata.

Rio Lençóis

The Lençóis River is one of the most important tributaries on the left side of the Tietê River and the most important in the municipality. It is approximately 46 km long, originating at the São Benedito Farm, Serra da Jacutinga, municipality of Agudos, and flows into the waters of the Tietê River, in the municipality of Macatuba, after crossing Lençóis in a west-east direction.

It is responsible for 52% of the city's water supply. The Lençóis River Basin, which covers an area of 574.4 km², has its hydrographic system distributed across seven municipalities in the Central-Western region of São Paulo (Agudos, Areiópolis, Borebi, Lençóis Paulista, Macatuba, São Manuel and Igaraçu do Tietê). Among the 35 streams and creeks, the Prata, Corvo Branco and Cachoeirinha, which flow through the urban area of Lençóis Paulista, are the most important.

Córrego ou Ribeirão da Prata

Silver Lake 2

The Córrego or Ribeirão da Prata is the second largest watercourse that runs through the urban area of the city, a primary tributary of the Lençóis River. It is 20 km long and runs through the Southeast region of the city's urban area. Its main sources are at the Boqueirão Farm, south of Lençóis Paulista. The watercourse is considered a possible collection point for public water supply in the future. It is formed in the rural area by the junction of several springs and other small streams. In the city, it was dammed and forms the Lago da Prata, where the Parque do Povo was installed. Its course continues along several neighborhoods until its mouth in the Lençóis River, still in the urban area.

It was formerly called “Silver Water” due to several silver-like soil sediments that shone when exposed to the sun.

Ribeirão has five waterfalls that create beautiful landscapes, but it does not have any infrastructure for tourists.

Lago da Prata

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Located in the urban area of the municipality, between Recinto da Facilpa and Parque do Povo, the artificial lake was built in 1975, using the waters of Ribeirão da Prata, with the purpose of providing an alternative for leisure and recreation to the population.

The lake was built in a circumscription of 2,333.5m in an area of 10,500.75 m², with an average reserve capacity of approximately 340 thousand m³ of water.

Currently, the area comprising Parque do Povo and Lago da Prata is popularly known by locals as Guarujá, in reference to the beach in São Paulo.

Sport fishing is common in the area, and swimming in the lake is prohibited.

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