It is a privilege for the region to be named Coração Paulista, and thus the symbolism of the heart was conceived as essential in the creation of the logo.
In its figurative sense, the heart is the center of sensations, perceptions, and emotions. The image evokes the idea of center and depth. The symbol brings to mind comfort and inner warmth. The road represents the connection, the link between different locations, the path that leads to the destinations. The short path conveys a sense of proximity. Additionally, the road indicates the most common means of travel between the region’s destinations. The adopted typography is relaxed and simple. Regarding the colors, red attracts attention, inspiring feelings, experiences, and energy. A darker shade, combined with black, signifies strength, sobriety, and a touch of mystery. The colors also resemble those representing the state of São Paulo. The representation of all these elements in soft lines conveys the simplicity and hospitality typical of the interior cities that make up the region. The heart positioned at the edge of the road indicates a definite destination on a dynamic, moving, and continuous path.
In 2017, the new Tourism Regionalization Program was proposed by the Ministry of Tourism and the São Paulo State Tourism Secretariat. This initiative aims to promote the alignment and coordination of actions by the Ministry of Tourism and the set of local and sectoral public policies, focusing on tourism management, development, and promotion. Among the actions outlined in the program is the mapping of municipalities for inclusion and updating in the Brazilian Tourism Map.
Thus, the Coração Paulista Tourist Region was established in the central-western part of São Paulo State, spanning over 4,872 km². It currently comprises the municipalities of Agudos, Avaí, Bauru, Boraceia, Lençóis Paulista, Macatuba, Pederneiras, Piratininga, and Reginópolis. Bauru serves as the administrative headquarters and the primary regional representative, while Lençóis Paulista acts as the deputy representative to the State Secretariat of Tourism and Travel and the Ministry of Tourism. The Tourist Region Governance holds regular meetings to discuss and plan actions for the development of regional tourism.
Regional Tourism Plan
The Coração Paulista Tourist Region’s Regional Tourism Plan, 2020 edition, outlines the contributions of the tourism sector to the social, cultural, and economic development of the region. Tourism, as a key driver of economic activity, fosters sustainable regional development. Its main resources are the region’s natural and cultural assets, offering significant opportunities for local and regional growth.
About the Region
The region’s diversity is one of its greatest attractions. Here, you will find breathtaking landscapes with green spaces, rivers, and waterfalls, as well as preserved historical heritage sites that tell the story of the development of São Paulo’s interior.
The region is also a culinary hub, offering the best of São Paulo’s cuisine, from traditional dishes made with local ingredients to high-quality international options in fine dining establishments. Additionally, the hospitality of the locals and the excellent service infrastructure ensure a comfortable and welcoming stay.
The cities of the Coração Paulista region provide a wide range of activities and attractions for all tastes and ages.
Come and discover the diversity and beauty of Coração Paulista, where history, culture, and nature come together to create unforgettable experiences!

Vídeo Institucional
Discover the municipalities that are part of the Coração Paulista Tourist Region:
Como Chegar?
A Região Turística Coração Paulista está loicalizada na região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, o acesso a região se dá, principalmentes, por meio das rodovias:
SP 280 – Rodovia Castelo Branco
SP 261 – Rodovia Osni Mateus
SP 300 - Rodovia Marechal Rondon
SP 294 - Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros
SP 261 - Rodovia César Augusto Sgavioli
SP 321 -Rodovia Cezário José de Castilho
SP 225 - Rodovia João Batista Cabral Rennó