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Secretaria de Turismo


Tourism Department

Department of tourism is a division responsible to develop the town’s touristics potentiality.

SETUR (acronym for Secretaria do turismo, in English  Department of Tourism.) has encouraged the tourism in the town leading it  to sustainable development, understanding  that this factor is  of vital importance in the creation of Jobs and income. Harmonizing economic growth with the preservation of  our cultural, enviromental and historical heritage.


The Touristic Information Desk (known as PIT in Portuguese) works together with SETUR ( Department of Tourism) in the Enterpreneurship Center, which has  the scope of making the information  about the town easier to access,  therefore  increasing the local tourism.


01 Secretary of Tourism

01 Administrative Agent

01 Administrative Assistant

Address: Rua Coronel Joaquim Gabriel nº 11 - Centro

Telephone:  (14) 3263-0445 - Extension 6

Email: /


Municipal Tourism Council - COMTUR

The Lençóis Paulista Municipal Tourism Council (COMTUR) was established in 2008, but there was a need to adapt the wording of its law in 2017, which resulted in the approval of Municipal Law 5,012.

COMTUR, linked to the Department of Tourism, is composed of representatives of the Municipal Executive Power and Civil Society. Members are sworn in every two years, perform voluntary service in actions defined in monthly meetings. The main objective of the Council is to create solutions to develop tourism in a sustainable way in the municipality. ​ ​


Get to know the bodies and segments represented in COMTUR:

Executive Power: Tourism, Economic Growth, Culture, Environment, Alfredo Guedes Village and Education. ​


Civil Society: Hotels, Gastronomic Section, Tourism Agencies, Vineyard, Micro Breweries, Crafts, Culture Incentive Association, Rural Association, Commerce Association, Italian Cultural Society, Events, Social Clubs, Digital and Writing Press. ​


Others: Police and Sebrae Aqui.

RT Coração Paulista

Tourist Region of Heart of São Paulo

Captura de tela 2024-01-17 091851.png

Lençóis Paulista is on the Brazilian Tourism Map, this was National Tourism Iniciative Program, appearing along with 8 more cities in the Coração Paulista Tourist Region. The municipalities of Águas de Santa Barbara, Agudos, Avaí, Bauru, Boracéia, Pederneiras, Piratininga and Reginópolis also make up the region.

The regular towns on the Brazilian Tourism Map are divided into categories from A to E, according to the performance of their tourism economic performance, which are considered pre-existing oficial data, such as: number of formal jobs and establishments in the accommodation sector (source: RAIS / Ministry of Economy); and the foreign and domestic tourist flow estimative (source: FIPE/MTur). Lençóis Paulista fits in Category C.

The city of Bauru is the Head Office and acts as a regional liason , Lençóis Paulista is the alternate speaker together with the Tourism State Department.

The Touristic Region Members hold periodic meetings which allow them to develop actions that contribute towards the growth of the touristic region.



It is a privilege for the Region to be named Coração Paulista (Paulista Heart), therefore the symbology of a heart was  conceived as essential in the creation of the logo, which was proposed by two members from Lençóis Paulista who are associated with Economic Development and Tourism Departments.

In its figurative meaning, the heart is the core of sensations, perception  and emotions. The image remind us of deepness.It bring us to mind comfort  and warmth so typical of the countryside.The road depicts the connection, the bond that allows us to reach to our destinies. The short path conveys the sensation of  nearness. Besides, the road points to the most  usual way to get to other destinies inside the region. The  chosen typography is relaxing and ordinary. When it comes to colors, red catches our eyes, inspires us feelings,experiences and energy.In a darker nuance maching with black expresses strength, sobriety and mistery. Those colors also remind us the ones from São Paulo State. The depiction of all these elements in subtle lines shows us the simplicity and hospitality which are so typical and outstanding in the cities that constitute our Region. The Heart  that is positioned roadside, indicates us a right spot in our destiny in a dynamic, in movement and in a continuous path.

Plano de Turismo

Director of Tourism Plan

The Director of  Tourism Plan  in Lençóis Paulista is a vital instrument for the growth of our touristic activity in our municipal domain, it consists of guidelines and strategies to be adopted to its local increment and structure.

The Plan has been preceeded by the Tourustic Offer Inventory,which consisted of ressearches on the municipal touristics attractions, which were already charaterized that way, added to the  potential resources that also could become attractions. Besides the touristic offer, we provide support services to tourists, such as: accommodations, eating services, several kinds of commerces, means of transportation, places which are fitted for social events, among otheres. Similarly, a ressearch has been done on the basic urban  infrastructure which although it is not directly related to touristic attractions, it can be an influence on the experience perception of our tourists.


The Diretor of Tourism Plan is divided into three chapters: 1) A Demand Study, containing the  Touristic Demand resseach results, its charts, table of results and comments; 2)Studies and Analyses, resulting in the Diagnoses, which is combined with  the Touristic Inventory Offer, that although is independent from this body of publication,  it is an important part of this job; 3) Conception of Strategies and Action Plans, derived from all the data put together in treaties in the Inventory and Touristic Prognostic, Guidelines, Programs and Projects.

Click below to access:

 Tourism Plan  and the Inventory of the Tourist Offer

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